
上海纽约大学-技术支持工程师-Technology Support Engineer(简历投递
发布时间:2020-11-06 结束时间:2020-11-28


工作地点:上海市 - 上海市市辖区






Position: Technology Support Engineer









  • 负责设备中心,相关系统,设备和相关资源的技术支持,定期监督维护设备。

  • 定期报告设备及相关器材的状态。

  • 负责所有设备,工具和耗材的日常服务,维护和高效管理,以确保时刻处于良好的工作状态。

  • 协助教职工准备教学材料/设备,包括但不限于多媒体辅助设备,教学相关材料,工具及设备等。

  • 培训学生和教职员工使用设备和资源。

  • 制定并维护使用资源和设备等的相关标准准则和操作程序。

  • 负责相关设备的日常支持和维护工作。包括但不限于:

    • 教室多媒体音频/视频设备(例如无线麦克风,扬声器,网络摄像头,投影仪等)

    • 各软硬件,计算机及其外围设备。例如:打印机扫描仪等

    • 各类基础电子元件,传感器,电路板等(例如晶体管,电阻器,电容器,电动机,LED,二极管,蜂鸣器,面包板等)


  • 维护现有的服务和解决方案(包括教室支持,通用设备等)并跟进相关新服务。

  • 跟进相关解决方案,以改善日常教学质量(例如:教室基础设施及多媒体视听设备等)。

  • 课前器材准备并设置教室,负责进行教室日常预防性维护检查。

  • 根据教学日常需求,参加课堂演示和指导。

  • 创建,更新和维护设备用户指南。 协助教师/学生使用相关设备和其他内部系统等。

  • 提供日常桌面支持,对设备,软硬件,计算机和操作系统等进行维护及故障排除。


  • 支持日常运营,以及部门相关活动支持等。

  • 执行日常维护工作,确保安全高效的空间和教室环境。

  • 响应用户需求,并第一时间制定行动计划,及时高效地解决问题。

  • 为日常教学工作,课程和部门相关活动提供现场技术支持和服务,包括耗材,设备,器材,相关物品存储及教学活动支持等。

  • 支持不同团队的技术项目及协作跟进工作。

  • 与不同部门以及第三方供应商合作,支持并满足运营和课程等的日常需求。例如:运营设施部门,IT部门,财务部门,采购部门,供应商等。

  • 作为部门接口人与相关学校支持部门,如基础设施,财产管理和公共安全部等,协同合作确保部门基础设施及日常财产设备管理的工作。与其他各部门合作,负责处理解决与日常教学、课程、部门等相关的需求。充当HSE协调员,以确保流畅安全的日常运营工作。


  • 负责支持日常采购需求。

  • 处理设备和组件等的采购和维护。





  • 全日制本科学士学位






  • 熟悉基础的电子元件知识及相关背景。

  • 具备以下1-2个领域的基础知识和相关技能者,可优先考虑:


  • 具有Mac OS计算机操作经验和相关知识的候选人,可优先考虑。

  • 具有1-2年实习或相关工作经验的可优先考虑,但非必需。



  • 必须具备快速学习和应用新技术及技能的能力。

  • 对电子工程和相关技术领域充满热诚及探究精神。

  • 注重细节,能够高效故障排除和问题解决。

  • 拥有学习探索新技术及相关技能的热情和专研精神。

  • 强烈的责任心,良好的组织协调能力。

  • 认真对待工作,具有独立工作和主动解决问题的能力。

  • 在繁忙的工作环境中表现出强烈的自驱力和主动性。

  • 具有良好的时间管理技能,高效的多任务处理能力,并且愿意接受偶尔加班。

  • 高度专业,诚实守信,踏实可靠。

  • 良好的中文和英文沟通能力。

  • 为人随和,工作积极主动投入。

Position Summary 

The Technology Support Engineer position is a full time position, who will work closely with faculty and students to support all aspects of hardware, software, equipment, and resources etc. to ensure a safe, efficient, and productive teaching and learning environment. S/he will not only be in charge of the daily technology support, but also ensure to provide high quality services to our faculty and student community, as well as a key person focused on equipment management & maintenance, department related projects build up, daily tech support services and follow ups.

This position works as technology staff to provide daily technology, desktop support, equipment maintenance, audio-visual support in classrooms as well as daily curriculum required support throughout the community. Actively identify, develop, implement and support appropriate technology solutions for teaching, learning, research and department events. Support technology equipment, facilities in department space.

The role of Technology Support Engineer is to function as a key partner for department users and ensure an efficient, continuous operation of teaching and learning space as well as daily equipment maintenance. Help foster a responsive and adept technology support structure to promote the effective use of technology in teaching, learning, research and administration activities. Work both individually and as part of a support team, at least have basic knowledge in one of the following areas: electronic engineering, computer technology support or audio-visual technology etc.

The main responsibilities mainly includes but not limited to: 

Equipment Management and Maintenance (30%) 

  • Support of the Equipment Center, system, equipment and related resources, as well as ensure the protection of equipment and devices through oversight of regular maintenance.  

  • Report of the status of equipment and materials on a regular basis. 

  • Responsibility for the day to day services, maintenance, and inventory of all equipment, tools and supplies on a regular basis to ensure they are in good working order. 

  • Assist faculty members in preparation of teaching and instructional materials/equipment, including but not limited to audio visual aids, materials, tools, equipment etc. 

  • Work with students and faculty in the training and use of equipment and resources. 

  • Develop and maintain guidelines and SOPs of using resources and equipment etc. 

  • Be responsible for the day to day support and maintenance of all equipment and devices. This includes, but not limited to:

    1. Digital media and audio/visual equipment (e.g. wireless microphone, speaker, webcam, projector, camera, headset etc.) 

    2. Various hardware and software, computers, printers and scanners etc.

    3. Various electronics components, sensors, boards etc. (e.g. transistor, resistor, capacitor, motor, LED, diode, buzzer, breadboard, etc.) 

Technology Support for Teaching and Learning (30%) 

  • Maintain existing technology services and solutions (including classroom support, general equipment, etc.) as well as new services development. 

  • Propose technical solutions to improve the audio-visual equipment in classrooms. 

  • Prepare and set up the classrooms as well as implement classroom daily preventative maintenance checks before commencement of class..

  • Participate in classroom demonstration and instruction as required by daily operations of our classes.

  • Create, update and maintain equipment user guide. Assist faculty/students in the use of equipment, devices and other internal systems etc.

  • Provide desktop support, maintaining and troubleshooting equipment, hardware, software, computer and operating systems etc.

Daily Operation Support  (30%) 

  • Support the daily operation during routine hours, as well as occasional additional events. 

  • Perform daily maintenance routines to ensure a safe, efficient, and productive space and classroom environment. 

  • Respond to all user-requests as well as develop action plans to resolve the issues timely and effectively.  

  • Provide on-site technology support and services for daily class and program-related events including supplies, equipment, critical sample storage, program level events etc. 

  • Support different teams with technology projects and events.

  • Work closely and cooperate with different departments as well as third party vendors to support / meet daily requirements of operations and courses etc. Eg. Facilities, IT, Finance, Procurement, vendors, etc.

  • Interface with Facilities, Property Management and Public Safety etc. for infrastructure, risk management and other internal departments for curriculum and program related requests etc. Act as a HSE coordinator to ensure smooth and safe operations.

Program-Related Procurement (10%) 

  • Assist in daily procurement needs.

  • Process purchasing and maintenance of equipment and components etc.




Required Education 

Minimum Bachelor’s Degree. Preferably in EE (Electronic Engineering), Electric Engineering and Automation, Electronics Science and Technology, Electrical & Information Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent, but not a must. If the candidate has good knowledge, background or skills in the field of related technology, majors can be not limited in the above. 


Required Experience  


  • Basic understanding and knowledge of various electronics components, sensors and related tools are a must.

  • Prior knowledge/skills in 1-2 following fields is a plus (e.g. computer hardware/software, operation systems, desktop/service desk technology support, media equipment, audio-visual devices, such as speakers, microphones, projectors, audio cables)

  • Prior experience and related knowledge of Mac OS computers are preferred. 

  • 1-2 years’ intern or related experience in providing desktop, A/V(audio-visual), technology support is preferred, but not a must.  


Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities 

  • Ability to learn and apply new technologies and skills quickly is a must

  • Passionate about the fields of electronic engineering and related technology is a must 

  • Detail oriented and proficient at troubleshooting and problem solving 

  • Eager to learn and explore new technology, skills and related knowledge to solve the problem is a must 

  • Strong sense of responsibility, good organization, and coordination abilities are must

  • Take the job seriously, ability to work independently and fix the problems initiatively is a must

  • Demonstrates motivation, drive and initiative in a busy working environment 

  • Multitasking with good time management skills, and being able to work occasional weekends and after hours

  • High professional integrity, honesty and trust 

  • Good communication abilities in Mandarin and English 

  • Easy going and engaged 


上海美煌信息技术有限公司成立于2004年,公司自正式成立以来,致力于信息技术在现代社会各个领域及行业的建设、应用及推广,目前已成为多家世界500强企业的IT服务商。 不断地吸收和培养,建立企业的高素质人才队伍,不断地优化和革新,使得企业资源发挥到最大效力。"物尽天潜,人尽其才;美煌聚璀,共赴前程"是我们企业的建设方针。 我们深信,资源的优化投入,人才的致善发挥,不断的建设和发展使我们在IT领域开辟出一片淋漓发挥的天地,保证我们在IT领域的领先地位,并成为中国卓越的企业。



