
华尔街英语ESL Teacher Intern in Shenzhen(简历请投递至企业邮箱)
发布时间:2020-09-15 结束时间:2020-09-30


工作地点:广东省 - 深圳市






Please submit your CV to

As a Foreign Teacher you will be responsible for delivering the WSE material to our students using the WSE methodology.

You will lead classes to ensure that students are learning, understanding and applying their new knowledge; all done in a professional and supportive environment, for both the students and the teacher.

You will be part of an international team that focuses on top quality lesson delivery and student satisfaction. Our students are young professionals from all ranges of life, but they all have one thing in common: the motivation and dedication to learn English.

Our students learn and practice in English in small group classes ensuring that they get the optimal English experience.

Who are we looking for?

Our top performers are teachers that, once class time rolls around, students cheer because you will be their teacher for the day. Educators that are open to new knowledge and feedback are sure to succeed. Last but not least, we are looking for those teachers that are a pleasure to work with.

How can you get all of this?

 A passport from an English Native Speaking country (United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland)

 University degree, Bachelor’s or equivalent

 120 Hour TEFL / CELTA / TESOL certification (or similar)

 24 months full-time English teaching experience is a plus

 No criminal history

 Willing to work weekends

How to be a top performer?

 Conduct classroom lessons according to the WSE methodology

 Prepare and teach classes in center or online as scheduled

 Give constructive feedback to students

 Help students reach the level of English established in their learning objective

 Provide advice and assistance to students, in and out of the classroom

 Be flexible to teach in multiple centers within the same city

 Promote and preserve a pleasant, social, and courteous atmosphere in the center

Full-time contracts include:

35 hours a week – 30 contact and 5 office hours

14,000-18,000 RMB base salary, based on experience

3,000 RMB city allowance


华尔街英语培训中心(上海)有限公司成立于2005年07月05日,注册地位于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区世纪大道88号金茂大厦1区3层01单元,法定代表人为DAVID KEDWARDS。经营范围包括英语培训,提供相关的培训咨询。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】华尔街英语培训中心(上海)有限公司对外投资2家公司,具有27处分支机构。


