德勤俱乐部校园宣讲会将于4月4日19:00 在 知新楼111举行!
时间:2019年4月4日 19:00
1. 德勤俱乐部招新
2. 四大HR们最喜欢什么样的简历
3. 0实习经历该如何逆袭
4. 面试、笔试、网申有哪些技巧
5. 专业不限,现场加入德勤-港中大(深圳)微信群,提前了解德勤,随时关注德勤实习动态,申请德勤实习
Dear students,
2019 Deloitte Club Campus Talk will be launched soon. Deloitte HR would share about the practical work experience in the business world and how to prepare your CV and interview without internship experience for Club hiring. If you want to connect with smart people who can help you become the best you can be, develop your technical knowledge and gain practical experience in a supportive environment, and start building a fulfilling career, Deloitte Club is the perfect place to begin.
【Event Information】
Enterprise: Deloitte
Time: 19:00, 4th April (Thursday), 2019
Venue: Room 111, Zhi Xin Building
Scan the QR Code and follow Career Services Office official account for more information.
Join us, infinite possibilities.
Best Regards,
Career Services Office
Room 317, Dao Yuan Building
The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen
Email: CareerService@cuhk.edu.cn