Recruitment Information

Post Time:2020-02-27 Deadline:2020-08-31

Company name:深圳前海智龙资本管理有限公司

Countries & Regions:Hong Kong - Hong Kong

Work Type:Full time

Position Type:Computer, Internet and Information Technology

Number Of Vacancy:2Human

Salary Range:30000-49999

Job Description

深圳前海智龙资本管理有限公司 Sapientia Technologies Ltd



Company profile

Sapientia technologies limited is a data-driven technology firm. Leveraging cutting-ege technologies, our scientists, engineers and business professionals run through terabytes of data everyday to continuously deliver business insights and investment decisions. Talents sit at the center of our business. Coming from diversified academic and cultural backgrounds, Sapientia‘s team share the common quality of being highly motivated, meticulous in details, and well trained in systematic thinking. Sapientia focuses on applying its technical edge to the asset management businesses. We build systematic trading platforms that extract information from various data to achieve highly profitable trades across various futures and stock exchanges. Sapientia has offices in Hong Kong and Shenzhen now.

Other information


Organization address:深圳市福田区香蜜湖街道深南大道7006号富春东方大厦1108