Recruitment Information

亚马逊-Quality Engineering Intern-邮件发送简历至
Post Time:2021-02-11 Deadline:2021-03-31

Company name:亚马逊信息服务(北京)有限公司 营业执照

Countries & Regions:Guangdong - Shenzhen

Work Type:Internship

Position Type:Computer, Internet and Information Technology

Number Of Vacancy:5Human

Salary Range:3000-4499

Job Description

Quality Engineering Intern

Amazon’s Global Sourcing team is looking for a customer-obsessed intern to assistant on product usability testing as we build and grow our Private Label business. The duration of the internship will be at least 12 weeks.  The intern will work in the Amazon Global Sourcing office in Nanshan, Shenzhen.

The successful candidate should have strong hands-on ability, he or she will be enjoying on assembly and use the product as well as diving deep into customer feedback data analysis. The ideal candidate will thrive in a highly collaborative, analytical, creative, and fast-paced environment. Finally, the candidate must also be a strong communicator and well organizer, who with the ability to communicate with stakeholder concisely and effectively.

What will you Gain?

-          Develop your product testing capability and skillset

-          Gain experience in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial work environment

-          Work with a diverse team with professionals from over 10+ different countries

-          Boost you resume with real world experience

Primary Responsibility Include:

-          Usability sample requesting and managing

-          Usability testing consumable material purchase

-          Assist QE Manager on Usability testing

-          Assist QE Manager on collecting Usability testing feedback and compile the draft report


-          Graduate in 2022, currently working towards a Bachelors (BS) or Masters (MS) in Quality Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (or similar fields).

-          High attention to detail, comfortable with “hands-on” management of tasks, and proven ability to manage multiple, competing priorities simultaneously

-          Excellent written and oral communication skills in English

-          Work 4 to 5 days per week for at least 3 months.


-          Prior internship or co-op experience in a similar field

-          Proficient in Excel and Access Database as a plus


-          Identify the customer review data for one or more specific product categories and generate summary report

-          Develop a “Usability sample readiness dashboard” to drive existing manual processes towards automation

-          Collect test panelist feedback and compile into usability summary report



邮件发送简历至 (简历必须为英文

邮件标题请注明:姓名+学校+专业+毕业时间+可实习时间(2021.1.15-2021.4.30)+岗位名称(QAE Intern


Company profile

亚马逊于2004年进入中国,秉承“顾客至尚”的理念,不断为中国用户创新。目前亚马逊在中国布局的核心战略业务包括以亚马逊海外购和亚马逊全球开店为中心的跨境电子商务,Kindle电子书阅读器和电子书,亚马逊物流运营和亚马逊云计算服务(AWS)。 依托亚马逊全球15大站点、独一无二的全球资源和跨境物流体系,亚马逊中国持续推进跨境电商战略。2014年,亚马逊中国正式上线亚马逊海外购商店——亚马逊第一个本地化、多站点的全球商店,致力于打造中国消费者信赖的选购高品质海外正品的跨境网购首选站点。消费者用中文即可直接购买来自亚马逊美国、英国、日本、德国网站的30大品类、逾2000万的海外正品。商品经由亚马逊全球物流体系从海外运营中心直送中国消费者。亚马逊Prime会员服务于2016年10月在中国上线,是亚马逊全球首个提供跨境订单全年无限次免费配送的会员服务。 亚马逊全球开店致力于帮助中国卖家发展出口业务、拓展全球市场、打造国际品牌。目前数以万计的中国卖家加入了该项目。包括亚马逊美国、加拿大、德国、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙、日本、墨西哥、澳大利亚、中东及印度在内的12大海外站点已向中国卖家全面开放。中国卖家可将商品销售给亚马逊全球超过3亿的活跃用户,以及亚马逊美国、欧洲和日本的数百万企业与机构买家。 亚马逊在全球拥有175个运营中心,配备超过10万台Kiva智能机器人,可将商品配送至185个国家和地区。借助全球领先的物流交付能力,亚马逊中国为通过海外购进行跨境网购的中国消费者提供一流的跨境配送体验,并帮助中国卖家出口海外,拓展国际市场。 亚马逊中国致力于为中国消费者带来完善的阅读体验,点燃中国大众的阅读热情。2012年12月,Kindle中国电子书店正式上线,通过与数百家中国出版机构和进口书商合作,目前为中国读者提供了超过70万册电子书。2013年6月,Kindle 电子书阅读器进入中国市场,随后亚马逊陆续为中国消费者带来了Kindle电子书阅读器全系列产品,并与全球保持新品同步发售,Kindle Unlimited电子书包月服务与Prime阅读等服务也相继推出。      亚马逊云计算服务(AWS)自2014年起以“有限预览”的方式为部分中国客户提供服务。自2016年8月1日起, AWS中国(北京)区域的云服务由光环新网运营和提供。新的合作关系是为AWS中国(北京)区域而特别定制的,旨在为需要在中国数据中心运行工作负载的客户提供一流的云服务,这也体现了亚马逊对客户的长期承诺。2017年12月,由西云数据运营的中国第二个AWS区域正式向客户提供服务。中国市场以两个数据中心区域、5个可用区,成为AWS在美国之外最重要的市场之一。2018年9月,亚马逊云服务(AWS)宣布在上海建立AWS人工智能研究院,致力于打造AWS人工智能与机器学习的云服务,惠及全社会。

Other information


Organization address:北京市朝阳区东四环中路56号远洋国际中心A座