Recruitment Information

Post Time:2022-11-02 Deadline:2023-06-30

Company name:迪畅(上海)管理咨询有限公司深圳分公司

Countries & Regions:Guangdong - Shenzhen

Work Type:Full time

Position Type:Production, Processing and Quality Control

Number Of Vacancy:2Human

Salary Range:10000-14999

Job Description


● I identify the quality risks and manage solutions findings.

● I continuously improve my suppliers’ quality performance.

● I make my suppliers autonomous on Quality/Sustainable development/Process management.


● I monitor the quality performance and detect quality risks in my business scope.

● I analyze and evaluate the risks in my supplier. I implement appropriate actions accordingly.

● I solve the problems detected through quality related methodology.

● I improve supplier’s stability and autonomy in quality system

● I drive Quality Assessment in my supplier panel and promote self-assessments.

● I enforce the social accountability requirement (Environment, Health, Safety etc.) be respected.

● I drive my suppliers toward sustainable performance excellence.

I am

1. Bachelor degree is must, with technology and engineering background. 

2. Experience in similar industry and position is preferred. 

3. Good oral and verbal English skills.

4. Concrete, Passion for industry and onsite work, willing to take frequent travel based on business needs. 

To submit your CV, please email it to

Company profile

迪卡侬(中国)全球采购和智能制造事业部于1989年进入中国。现拥有近1000名员工,4个自有工厂,11个工业采购办公室(上海、苏州、南京、广州、青岛、深圳、天津、厦门、武汉、宁波、台湾)及54个驻厂办公室。 迪卡侬(中国)全球采购和智能制造事业部覆盖几乎所有的工艺制程如成衣、面料、辅料、鞋、金属、塑胶、复合材料、电子、光学、发泡、重针车缝、球、熔接(充气类)、食品、化学品、化妆品和一类医疗用品、包装等。每年在中国的采购量占迪卡侬全球采购额的约50%。 迪卡侬(中国)全球采购和智能制造事业部,是一个高效敏捷且坚韧不拔的“部落”,我们赋能全球采购和智能制造,为全球用户提供运动和健康的解决方案。自迪卡侬(中国)全球采购和智能制造事业部成立以来,我们一直在为这个目标而努力,那便是通过我们的价值创造,让全球的运动爱好者可以轻松体验并享受到各种运动带来的欢益。为了实现这个目标,我们全面深入的去了解和掌握并且持续优化相关产品的每一个工艺流程,我们关注每个产品从原材料到抵达门店的所有阶段,并保证他们能够以最好的状态展现在每一个消费者面前。

Other information

Tele.:+86 0755- 86295580

Zip Code:518074

Official website:

Organization address:深圳市南山区华侨城燕栖楼101迪卡侬