Recruitment Information

Post Time:2024-03-28 Deadline:2024-04-30

Company name:广东以色列理工学院

Countries & Regions:Guangdong - Shantou

Work Type:Full time

Position Type:Edit, Documents, Translation and Media

Number Of Vacancy:1Human

Salary Range:8000-9999

Job Description


Position Description

This position is part of the Communications Team of Admissions Office. Job duties are primarily about planning and implementing activities and content related to undergraduate student recruitment.


Duties and Responsibilities

1、Responsible for operating WeChat official account, official website and other media accounts such as TikTok, Red, and planning and producing content.

2、Participate in building and maintaining external media matrix. Responsible for producing and delivering content, daily maintenance and updating.

3、Participate in the implementation of offline/online activities.

4、Other work assigned by leaders.


Required Job Competencies

1、Exceptional writing skills and the ability to create compelling, creative and precise content that captures the attention of target audience.

2、Understand various media and produce creative content based on specific media characteristics and current hot topics.

3、Have good aesthetic and be proficient in using software such as PS、AI、PR、AE and other editing and design software.

4、Recognize GT's education and be passionate about branding and marketing; good at catching the needs of our target audience and combining them into practical work.

5、Responsible, patient and detailed-oriented with the habit of multiple checks.

6、Have strong resistance to pressure and accept overtime work and temporary assignments when necessary.

7、Good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in both English and Chinese.


Required Job Specifications

1、Educational Background Requirements:

Bachelor degree or above from an internationally reputable university; education background in Chinese Language and Literature, communication, advertising, marketing, journalism is preferred.

2、Work experience requirements:

At least one year experience of copywriting or media operation; experience in university student recruitment is preferred.


Application Information

Please send your CV in English and Chinese and previous works about copywriting, content layout, poster design (if any) or video (if any) to with your name + position as the subject of the email. Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Company profile

广东以色列理工学院(英文缩写GTIIT)是由享誉全球的知名高等学府以色列理工学院(英文缩写Technion)与汕头大学(英文缩写STU)合作办学的一所具有独立法人资格的中外合作大学,是我国目前唯一一所理工科中外合作大学,也是以色列理工学院创建的中国校区,坐落于广东省汕头市。 2018年,广东以色列理工学院被列入广东省“高水平大学建设计划”,成为入选该项计划的最年轻的高校。

Other information


Zip Code:515041

Official website:

Organization address:汕头市金平区大学路241号