Summer Internship Recruitment Fair 2023

Time:14:00-17:00,May 22




The Career Planning and Development Office (CPDO) is going to host a Summer Internship Recruitment Fair next Monday. We highly recommend students to join us, submit your resume, and talk face-to-face with the employers!

Time: 14:00, Monday, May 22, 2023

Location: Hall on the first floor of Zhi Xin Building

Employers: More than 30 employers provide 200+ internship positions, including positions in investment, banking, finance, data analytics, artificial intelligence, quant, development, human resources, accountancy, tax services, marketing, new media operations, translation and more! Job descriptions will be posted online within this week on CPDO’s official website and WeChat Public Account. Stay tuned for the specially marked posts for more information!

Mark the date and don’t miss the chance if you are interested! Don’t forget to bring your resume to the job fair!