Huawei at Songshanhu Lake

Time:May 10




Time: 8:00-18:30, Friday, May 12, 2023 (The accurate time to set out will be announced upon successful registration)

Location: Songshanhu Lake, Dongguan

Language: Chinese

Participants: Undergraduate and postgraduate students of CUHK-Shenzhen, class of 2024 preferred

Rundown: Visit Huawei campus at Songshanhu Lake, experience the life and work of Huawei employees, and talk face-to-face with tech experts and human resources representatives of Huawei

Registration: Scan the QR code below to submit your information before 15:00 on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Huawei will notify the students who successfully register on or before Thursday, May 11. Please make sure you have the time to attend before registering.


Transportation: Transit bus will be provided by Huawei for pick-up and drop-off. All students should uniformly go back and forth. Please don’t leave without permission.